December 22, 2024
Speaker: Pastor Rob Buntain
Praise Team: Brendon’s Team
Worship Leader: Pepin Wong
Scripture Reader: Pepin Wong
PPT Operator: Christopher Louie
PPT Maker: Victoria Tsuyuki
Sound: Johnny Lam
Ushers: Dennis Olmstead, Abraham Tang
Sunday Worship
Call to Worship – Luke 1:39-56
Opening Prayer
Songs of Praise
Message: With Us
Joy – Luke 2:1-14
Servers for next week:
Speaker: Pastor Rob Buntain
Praise Team: Brendon’s Team
Worship Leader: Tom Shum
Scripture Reader: Tom Shum
PPT Operator: Christopher Louie
PPT Maker: Tyler Tsuyuki
Sound: Franklin Leung
Ushers: Jia Cai, Abraham Tang
Offering is the joy-filled right and response by the Christ follower to the grace and goodness of God. It is gifts given back to the gift giver that are used under the Spirit's guidance for His Kingdom's work. We thank our Lord with these cheerfully given offerings.
We are now accepting in-person offering. You can also make your offerings online at Canada Helps or through the Tithely app. You can also directly e-transfer to [email protected]
- Welcome all brothers, sisters, and friends who are worshiping with us today.
- Sam and Selene Ip’s baby will be arriving very soon! As their church family, would you like to love and bless them with a meal? Please sign up using this link:
- SCBC Mission trip to Panama English Camp 2025: Join us in sharing the gospel while helping the Chinese youth in Panama improve their English! This mission trip focuses on faith and language development through activities like English classes, skits, and outreach events.
- Short-Term Missionary (STM) requirements:
- - Baptized
- - Age 18+ (minors must be accompanied by family)
- Christmas is just around the corner. Our church has arranged the following celebrations. Brothers and sisters, please reserve the time to participate:
- a) TODAY, Dec 22, Christmas Sunday at 9:30am《English Service at Sanctuary and Sunday Schools at 11:15am.》- Celebration luncheon after Sunday Schools.
- b) TODAY, Dec 22, Christmas Sunday at 2:00pm - 2:45pm《Ordination Ceremony of Pastor Mark Gao and Pastor Margo So at Sanctuary》
- c) Dec 24, Tuesday at 7:30pm - 9:30pm 《Christmas Eve Celebration and Potluck refreshments》
- If you would like to make a Floral Offering for any 2025 Sundays, please sign up on the form posted in the foyer and pre-pay $25 for the flowers. Joanne Wong will coordinate the floral arrangements and Angela Chan will collect the offering.