March 9, 2025
Speaker: Pastor Rob Buntain
Praise Team: Priscilla’s Team
Worship Leader: Tony Louie
Scripture Reader: Tony Louie
Nursery: Gigi Lau
PPT Operator: Abraham Tang
PPT Maker: Tyler Tsuyuki
Sound: Stephen Ho Chen
Ushers: Jia Cai, Dennis Olmstead
Sunday Service
Call to Worship – Colossians 1:15-20
Opening Prayer
Songs of Praise
Message: The Book of Romans: Pt 2
God, the Peacemaker – Romans 1:1-11
Servers for next week:
Speaker: Pastor Rob Buntain
Praise Team: Priscilla’s Team
Worship Leader: Pepin Wong
Scripture Reader: Pepin Wong
Nursery: Yvette Leung
PPT Operator: Christopher Louie
PPT Maker: Isabelle Louie
Sound: Franklin Leung
Ushers: Jia Cai, Abraham Tang
Offering is the joy-filled right and response by the Christ follower to the grace and goodness of God. It is gifts given back to the gift giver that are used under the Spirit's guidance for His Kingdom's work. We thank our Lord with these cheerfully given offerings.
We are now accepting in-person offering. You can also make your offerings online at Canada Helps or through the Tithely app. You can also directly e-transfer to [email protected]
- Welcome all brothers, sisters, and friends who are worshiping with us today.
- Our church will hold a Special Membership Meeting TODAY, March 9th in the Sanctuary, after the Cantonese worship to discuss the calling of sister Ezrela Samuel to be our Children’s Ministry Coordinator. The meeting agenda is now posted on the notice board in the foyer. SCBC Members are encouraged to read the agenda in advance, pray for this ministry and set apart time to join the meeting.
- Regarding our West Malaysia short-term mission team, after preliminary discussions, has tentatively decided that the short-term mission will be from October 28th to November 10th, and we will carry out gospel ministry in two cities. If you are excited and burdened to serve in the mission field, please pray for yourself and this short-term mission trip first. There are still vacancies available, and we hope to have more people with different gifts to join us. You may contact Pastor Gao or Brother Alan Au for more information. Please note that being able to speak in either Cantonese or Mandarin is a pre-requisite.
- Donation Receipts for Jan 1-Dec 31, 2024 have been distributed in January this year, but Government of Canada has released draft legislation to extend 2024 charitable donations deadline, it will be extended to February 28, 2025 to mitigate the impact that the Canada Post strike had on the receipt of donations by charities. Our church should have little impact, because most donations are in person or by eTransfer. If you still need donation receipts to comply with this new tax legislation, please contact Ms. Brenda Zhou of the Finance Dept on or before Mar 23, 2025, a special donation receipt from January 1 to February 28, 2025 will be issued by Mar 31. Your donation receipt for the remaining ten months of 2025 will be distributed after the year-end. If there is no inquiry, donation receipts will be distributed as usual for 12 months of the year.
- We are looking for more people to serve in worship. If you are interested in learning and willing to serve as a sound operator, PowerPoint operator, and/or usher, please complete the google form via this link: