September 22, 2024

Speaker: Pastor Rob Buntain

Praise Team: Priscilla’s Team

Worship Leader: Tony Louie

Scripture Reader: Tony Louie

Nursery Room: Yvette Leung

PPT Operator: Abraham Tang

PPT Maker: Isabelle Louie

Sound: Franklin Leung

Ushers: Dennis Olmstead, Amos Ko

Sunday Worship


Call to Worship – Psalm 33:6-11

Opening Prayer

Songs of Praise

Message: The Book of Romans – Part 1

The Deception We’ve Embraced – Romans 1:18-23




Servers for next week:

Speaker: Pastor Hoover Lee

Praise Team: Priscilla’s Team

Worship Leader: Tom Shum

Scripture Reader: Tom Shum

Nursery Room: Yvette Leung

PPT Operator: Christopher Louie

PPT Maker: Victoria Tsuyuki

Sound: Nghia Huynh

Ushers: Joy Yang, Abraham Tang

Offering is the joy-filled right and response by the Christ follower to the grace and goodness of God. It is gifts given back to the gift giver that are used under the Spirit's guidance for His Kingdom's work. We thank our Lord with these cheerfully given offerings.

We are now accepting in-person offering. You can also make your offerings online at Canada Helps or through the Tithely app. You can also directly e-transfer to [email protected]


  • Welcome all brothers, sisters, and friends who are worshiping with us today.
  • We are thankful for God's special care for Surrey Chinese Baptist Church, having had the privilege of having Pastor Mark and Pastor Margo serving our Mandarin and Cantonese congregations. In the past few months, at the recommendation and request of the Church Council, the work of ordaining Pastor Mark and Pastor Margo has begun, and they have been interviewed and questioned by the ordination council (The council is made up of pastors from our Association as well as lay leaders from our own church). Now the church council is specifically inviting our brothers and sisters at the Surrey Chinese Baptist Church to spend some time in prayer in the coming weeks to discern God's will in ordaining Pastor Mark and Pastor Margo to the Gospel ministry. While they were unanimously recommended by the ordination council, it is the duty of the members of the church to affirm and commission. We will be invited to vote on this decision at the Fall Membership Meeting on October 28, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Rob or Brother Albert Leung.
  • Join us on October 19th for the CNBC WestCoast Annual Meeting! This year, CNBC churches across Canada will gather simultaneously in 7 locations for worship, prayer, and key decision-making. The event runs from 8:30 AM to 2 PM at Richmond Chinese Baptist/Towers Baptist Church. Register here for your spot and free lunch: Also, if you would like to serve to help make this event happen, let Pastor Rob know and he’ll connect you with opportunities for serving our bigger family of churches.
  • Pastor Rob and Jessica will be out of town from September 24 – October 3. Please direct any needs you may have to the church council or to your Sunday School or Fellowship leaders.