September 15, 2024
Speaker: Pastor Rob Buntain
Praise Team: Priscilla’s Team
Worship Leader: Tom Shum
Scripture Reader: Tom Shum
Nursery Room: Yvette Leung
PPT Operator: Hannah Chan
PPT Maker: Tyler Tsuyuki
Sound: Nghia Huynh
Ushers: Jia Cai, Abraham Tang
Sunday Worship
Call to Worship – _
Opening Prayer
Songs of Praise
Message: The Book of Romans – Part 1
Set Apart for Jesus, by Jesus – Romans 1:1-17
Servers for next week:
Speaker: Pastor Rob Buntain
Praise Team: Priscilla’s Team
Worship Leader: Tony Louie
Scripture Reader: Tony Louie
Nursery Room: Yvette Leung
PPT Operator: Abraham Tang
PPT Maker: Isabelle Louie
Sound: Franklin Leung
Ushers: Dennis Olmstead, Amos Ko
Offering is the joy-filled right and response by the Christ follower to the grace and goodness of God. It is gifts given back to the gift giver that are used under the Spirit's guidance for His Kingdom's work. We thank our Lord with these cheerfully given offerings.
We are now accepting in-person offering. You can also make your offerings online at Canada Helps or through the Tithely app. You can also directly e-transfer to [email protected]
- Welcome all brothers, sisters, and friends who are worshiping with us today.
- The church council has agreed to allow Pastor Anthony Hatchell to use our CE Fellowship Hall on Wednesday evenings for running an Alpha outreach. This agreement will last up until our October membership meeting, where membership will consider whether or not we can open our facilities to be used in this way over the longer-term.
- MacBeth Roofing and Waterproofing Company will begin construction tomorrow, Monday (September 9th) for roof replacement work.
- For all parents of Youth involved in SCBC Youth Ministry, we will be having another parents' information meeting to talk to you about the calendar for Youth ministry events for Fall 2024. This will take place on TODAY, September 15th at 12:30pm in the Sanctuary basement. Please set apart time to attend so that we can discuss this together.
- After the Sunday service TODAY, September 15th, the church will hold a Basketball Fun Day at the basketball court in the back garden, which is expected to end before 4:00pm. You can bring your own lunch, or you can pay $3 for a burger and drink. If you are interested in playing basketball or watching the game, please fill out the following Google form: You are also welcome to invite new friends to participate. For enquiries, please contact Pastor Rob.
- **Although there will be a parent meeting for youth ministry on the same day, the competition will not begin until after the meeting is over and participants have lunch, so please pay attention!**
- On Saturday, September 21st, we will be having "Adopt-a-Street" neighbourhood cleanup day from 10:00am to noon. We are thankful for this world and city that God has placed us in, and we want to reflect that gratitude through caring for our neighbourhood. Please set apart time to serve and let Pastor Rob or Wilfred Kwok know if you have any questions.