July 28, 2024

Speaker: Pastor Ian Buntain

Praise Team: Pastor Rob Buntain, Gabriel Wong, Joy Yang

Worship Leader: Pastor Rob Buntain

Scripture Reader: Pastor Rob Buntain

PPT Operator: Hannah Chan

PPT Maker: Tyler Tsuyuki

Ushers: Amos Ko, Alvin Chou

Sunday Worship


Call to Worship – Colossians 3:5-9

Opening Prayer

Songs of Praise

Message: So What is My Part?

Ephesians 4:17-32




Servers for next week:

Speaker: Pastor Rob Buntain

Praise Team: Brendon’s Team

Worship Leader: Tom Shum

Scripture Reader: Tom Shum

PPT Operator: Hannah Chan

PPT Maker: Victoria Tsuyuki

Ushers: Jia Cai, Abraham Tang

Sound: Nghia Huynh

Lord’s Supper Servers: Wilfred Kwok, Alvin Chou


  • Welcome all brothers, sisters, and friends who are worshiping with us today.
  • Below are the details for this year’s church picnic:
      Date: August 3 (Saturday), 2024
      Time: 9:30am to 3:30pm
      Place: The central meadow of Deas Island Regional Park (6090 Deas Islandr Rd, Delta)
    Food and transportation will be arranged by small groups/fellowships, so please consult your group leaders for your group’s arrangements. Those who are not in a fellowship or small group or newcomers are welcome to sign up on a form in the foyer, and the church will be more than happy to help make arrangements for those who sign up. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Rob.
  • A friendly reminder that our church will be serving at Night Shift Ministries, TODAY, July 28th. If there are brothers or sisters who are willing ot serve, please contact Pastor Rob, Wilfred Kwok, or Annie Chang.

Offering is the joy-filled right and response by the Christ follower to the grace and goodness of God. It is gifts given back to the gift giver that are used under the Spirit's guidance for His Kingdom's work. We thank our Lord with these cheerfully given offerings.

We are now accepting in-person offering. You can also make your offerings online at Canada Helps or through the Tithely app. You can also directly e-transfer to [email protected]